Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Are Podcasts Sabotaging My Career?


Okay fine, not exactly. I think it would be in my best interest to learn some hard skills to open up my career possibilities. Enter learning SQL. It's been high on my list since someone who wasn't my husband told me to do it. It was lower on the list when my husband suggested it.

I have my trusty library card ready for some access to online learning. But in my best Homer Simpson voice I think, "But then I won't be listening to podcasts. You can see the bind I'm in."

This is not a new thing. I also find myself working on low brain level tasks because I'm listening to something and I want to keep listening. So let's answer some e-mails, collate some papers, not take on something that requires more than 15% of my focus. It only occurred to me that this might be keeping me from learning and advancing. 

It was a scary thought. Should I create some sort of non podcast listening pact with myself to better myself? Yes. Will I do it right now? No it's time for bed. Maybe tomorrow. Thursday is a slow release day for me anyway. Wish me luck....oh a new Pen Pals is out! #saga

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