Friday, January 31, 2014

Celebrity Sighting #Whaaaaaat? No......

I already got to gush over the Comedy Film Nerds when I saw them last August. For Christmas, my husband gave me an unlimited pass to SF Sketchfest. One of my choices was the CFN live podcast and it ruled. I listened to them announce their guest list on an earlier podcast and they said Mark Wahlberg. My instant reaction was "please don't be the real one.....please don't be the real one.....".

Yeah okay, but not quite who I wanted to meet.

Oh yes, sports fans, after the show I got to meet fuckin Mahrk fuckin Wahlberg. I got to shake his hand, tell him I hoped the real one wasn't scheduled, and become very excited at the end of the show when Steven Seagal made a last minute special appearance. For those of you who do not know the talents of Dan Van Kirk, I strongly suggest you listen to Sklarbro County and take in all of this awesomness.

You're welcome.

On a final note, I was a little embarrassed that I didn't know it was a wig.

January Movies & Book(s)

So after my disastrous choice my husband took week two. He thought we should watch It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. While I get that it's a classic and it is amazing that all of these actors were in one movie, I didn't enjoy as much as he wanted me to. I have this talent for fixating on one point and in this case I didn't enjoy people trying to screw each other over for the possibility of a fortune. In fact my observation was that the elbows and shoving and pointless greed can be see in footage of a Walmart on Black Friday.

 Nominated for one Oscar.

Sadly, we let a week slide but got back on the wagon with The Wolverine. It was a more thoughtful superhero movie as most are trying to be, but to me not worthy to watch again. On a personal mission to see a movie a week on my own, I saw Austenland. Okay, I am falling victim to the Mormon girl porn. No touching, no kissing, just quietly falling in love and making sweeping declarations that will be rejected and misunderstood, but then ultimately redeemed. Yeah, watched it many times. Skipped to the parts that would give me lady, ummm, tingles(don't judge). Then in a fit of stupidity got the book. 

Yes, the more you watch and the more you read, the more you see the cracks in the foundation and I'm starting to understand why this is a bad movie and a bad book. But like the men and their non-sexual guy porn, let this time wasting fun go on. I want to see bad true love bloom and win. Screw you certain parts of Love Actually

I suppose that could count as my book for the month, but my official choice was Dear Mrs. Fitzsimmons, Tales of Redemption From an Irish Mailbox, by Greg Fitzsimmons. I will say that my experience with reading Carolla books, this is not just a rehash of radio bits. These are personal stories, some I've already heard and some that go deeper. I enjoyed it and it's well written, but I do not necessarily recommend it to the casual reader. I do recommended it to Fitzdog fans, but no need to, because they most likely have already read it.

Finally, my husband's second choice was Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. I was happy to have the story end at the end of the movie. No to be concluded in 2015 crap. Yes it was okay, but I'm tried of the action sequence, pause action sequence, ect. formula. I'll say that I came out watching this movie realzing that me and my husband have a bad habit of finishing a movie then abandoning each other for TV Tropes and Wikipedia to read more about the movie.

So, a mostly miss set of choices for January. My instainct to pick Oscar winners burned me in the beginning, so as you see I am treading lightly for now. I must declare soon. Don't want to get stuck in another three hour epic. Though I bet I'll laugh more during Hamlet. (To be fair, I'll just be thinking of Rosencarl and Guildenlenny.)

Sunday, January 05, 2014

2014 Resolution

I blew my "Do not eat fast food" resolution on January 3rd but I still have hope that I will pull through with the resolution I made with my husband. We blew this challenge a while ago, but are at it again. 

We will watch one movie a week together this year. Starting on Monday one of us gets the whole week to chose a movie that we will watch together. It must be one that at least one us us has not seen, and if we do not declare out choice by Saturday night, the other gets to steal. We flipped a coin and I got to chose first. I picked The Wolverine.  I did not get to the Redbox in time so instead I picked up Django Unchained and This is the End with Django being my choice. 

SIGH. Now that I have experienced Django, my soul needs to be scrubbed cleaned. I had to ask to pause it and get my self together a couple of times. It just felt so upsetting and I reached the point where I wonder if I need to see these types of movies. I don't see horror movies anymore because they upset me. I'm mostly not a fan of revenge movies because I tend not to be happy about the comeuppance so much as linger on the dark nature of humanity that feels they can wrong others in such a horrible way.

Noting my depression as the credits started, my husband quickly gave me a mulligan and let me claim This is the End as my pick for the week. And because people are not responsible with someone else's property, the disk skipped constantly one hour in and we could not finish. I called customer service as I didn't want to toss the disk back in the machine so someone else could get screwed. They flagged the disk and I think my duty has been done.

Week one is completed, but at what cost? I thought I would finally have an excuse to see There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men finally, but if the dramas are going to drag me down, I'm not sure I'll want to continue. I think resolutions are supposed to make you better, right? Well, I also promised myself a book a month. I could cancel this stuff out with books from my favorite comedians. I don't want to fall into the books like In Her Shoes. Sisters don't get along, like me and my sister, sound good. Wait mother committed suicide? Uggg, why must I have this compulsion to complete these books once I started?