Monday, July 22, 2013

RIP Fontana

Okay, I had to look up his character name on Law and Order because he was no Lennie Briscoe, but I am here to pay my respects to Dennis Farina. The fact that he was Dennis Farina in all of his roles just shows that characters are irrelevant. He was an awesome presence that's all you need to know. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to film and television.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Donating Wind to Pirate Ship

Last week I made my donation to help fund Adam Carolla's next movie Road Hard. I like that he is trying to side step the crap of Hollywood financing and is in essence pre-selling his own product. I posted the link onto my Facebook timeline and hoped to spread the word.

The same time I do this, I see friends asking for donations for AIDS research, a post for a blood drive for a local dying boy, and some comments on the recently reinstated availability of gay marriage. Yeah me and my priorities. GET IT ON!