Sunday, May 25, 2014

May Movie...Nope Resolution Dead

While I did read Shrinkage as I mentioned in the last post, my husband and I are officially spent on the movie resolution. Yes, it IS very hard to watch one movie a week. And we have some big changes and events coming up, so our time is allocated towards ignoring these big changes. We'll see what happens when things calm down, but for now, we'll just watch movies for fun and not obligation. Feeewwww. That feels good.

Celebrity Sighting #Lederhosen

My husband and I went to go see Adam Carolla at the Palace of Fine Arts last weekend. Bald Bryan's book Shrinkage is out and I was looking forward to showing up in my Film Vault t-shirt and hoodie and get my book signed. Sadly, they had to catch a flight and did not stay to meet the crowd. 

But because I can't read a map, I didn't realize that our seats weren't very close to an exit, but instead isolated us right next to the sound equipment. Where the sound engineer and other crew were. So I am sitting right next to sound engineer Mike Dawson. I also hear a familiar voice talking shop behind me and I ask if he's Gary. Yes, he was. Yep. I got to throw my praise and get a picture with Dawson and Gary (ahem, Carolla nickname omitted) Smith. 
Say hi to Stew Hendershot and Carl Thompson.

This is another reason I am happy that I contributed to the Ear Buds documentary. There is a relationship that exists when you spend hours listening to podcasts, even if it is one sided. People, get in on this awesomeness.