Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hearts to Hardwick

First a confession. I remember when I was younger, I felt a pang of sadness when I found out an older actor had died. I was in my early teens and very vividly remember my sister being very short with me and asking me why I cared. Today I strained my brain to remember who had died. First I thought it was Gregory Peck, but saw he died in 2003. Then I thought maybe Cary Grant, but I would have been three at the time. Then I googled It's a Wonderful Life and yep, Jimmy Stewart in 1997 is an classic actor that died around the right time. Wow, so callous, but I think I figured it out.

Yes, I never knew Jimmy Stewart personally and I didn't even see many of his movies. Recently a good friend's father died and I suppose that sadness I got when I heard the news was based on knowing someone I love was going through a difficult time. And as of now, my sister and I are on better terms so I know she wouldn't be snippy if I were to ever mention it.

But then last week I read that Billy Hardwick died. Here I am stuck between the two scenarios where I've listened to every Nerdist Podcast (less the Vince Gilligan episode due to Breaking Bad spoilers) and know so much about Chris Hardwick like he's a good friend in a one way mirror. I feel bad and wish him peace even though we have never met. (Well, we met once at his book signing, but you know what I mean.) His show got renewed and his birthday is today and I'm just thinking that I hope he's doing well and he's surrounded by real support. 

It doesn't make me creepy stalker fan lady, but it still feels strange to be emotionally invested like this. All though, some people are really obsessive about Han shooting first and are devastated about certain characters that were killed off in Game Of Thrones, so I guess I'll be okay for now.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Black Friday Shoes

This year I made the decree that I will NOT subject myself to Black Friday shopping this year. That is, I will not stand in line to save five dollars on a pair of shoes. When I made said decree, my husband said he wanted to go out into the craziness, but not buy anything. Or more accurately, not stand in line like an idiot.

I shopped for ten minutes and was in line for an hour and ten last year in just one store. And just this morning, I stepped in dog crap. I hate that millisecond of debate if it's worth it to clean the treads or just declare shoe bankruptcy and toss them. One time I tossed a pair and then later that day dug them out of the trash to clean them.

The point is that pair of shoes that I stood in line for were now my back up shoes while my hopefully no longer stinky pair air out. They have been demoted to the back up pair. I should learn from this moment that no item is worth the time wasted in line.

I appreciate the people working in retail posting on their Facebook walls that they are making a similar decree because people should be home with their families instead of helping cheap obsessive bargain hunters buy crap they don't need. I think people can do what they want. I personally have just decided that I do not want to be a cheap obsessive bargain hunter buying crap I don't need this Black Friday. Wish me luck.