Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oscar Hangover

Two days after the fact so we've all moved on with our lives. I missed the Oscars as I had my own celebrations. My only comment is now there are two actresses who have played Catwoman who now have Oscars and neither are Michelle Pfeiffer. Feels wrong. 

Okay, I lied second comment: I was very happy when Searching For Sugar Man won best documentary. I watched it a few weeks ago and will admit that the first twenty minutes were slow. Then it all began to unfold and it gave me chills. If you can get it, and it should be easier now that it won, I highly recommend it. Then again, if that movie has taught me anything, just because it is an excellent product, that doesn't mean you can get it easily.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tune Osmosis

Everybody's born knowing all the Beatles lyrics instinctively. They're passed into the fetus subconsciously along with all the amniotic stuff. Fact, they should be called "The Fetals". 

This is quote is the best thing to come from the movie Sliding Doors. It's so insightful that it popped into my head when I began to sing the chorus of Easy Lover. (Yes, I know it's not The Beatles.)  It makes sense that Beatles songs are so ubiquitous that anyone can sing pieces. But to what level of exposure does a song like Easy Lover need to penetrate your mind?

 This is pretty much the same song as "Let It Be".

I'm wondering if the newer generations that make their own playlists and have no idea how a radio works will have memorized as many pointless song lyrics and me and my contemporaries. To this day my husband has visceral reactions to some classic rock songs from a years of being dragged on errands with his mother and bored out of his skull. 

I'm not proud of it, but I found myself belting out a few Taylor Swift songs with startling accuracy. Thank goodness I'm a chick. I'm allowed to publicly like things with slightly less backlash.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Celebrity Sighting #Nerdist

Hooray for SF Sketchfest! Once again I ventured into the city to see my comedic heroes. I will save you the panic attack and packing anecdotes and go straight to thanking my husband for going with me even though he was sick and not looking forward to it. I chose a good man and adventures like this with him prove that every time.

Being in a small theater with other Nerdist fans left me feeling like part of a wonderful group while at the same time a little out of the loop. There were Twitter comments posted in real time before the show and I felt like I was ninety years old. Then again, once the stand up started, I didn't care and loved the show. Pete Holmes was the guest and I have to give him credit. I hear him on a podcast and he's okay. You see him live and he is phenomenal. Would love to explain it, but so much get's lost in translation, so I won't bother.

The podcast will come out and I debated if I should listen. I will know all the physical comedy involved and now I can hear the parts that were covered up by audience laughter. Then again, I have about fifteen other podcasts I need to listen to. I was a little bummed that once again I did not get my book signed because they could not do meet and greet. At the same time, was relieved for my sicky husband and we got the hell home. Thank you Matt Mira, Jonah Ray, Chris Hardwick, and Pete Holmes. May your talent be appreciated by legions who will worship you as you deserve.

Superbowl Hangover

I don't get the sports fanaticism. I get excited to watch a good show, but the Superbowl is not a good show. But when surrounded by 49er fans, it is fun to get involved in the excitement. Then again, listening to the insane anger and depression when a team is losing is upsetting.
For all the effort that goes into it, the Superbowl is a horrible piece of entertainment, yet is the most watched event. Why don't the producers understand that the halftime show, "interesting" statistics, or pre-pre-pre-game show do not matter. People will watch. Even if you break out statistics about the last time the power went out at the Superbowl.

So what did I take away from Superbowl XLVII? Not much because I watched Iron Man with my mom during most of it. During the commercials for that, I watched the Puppy Bowl. I was involved with a pool and my friend drunkenly told me I won. She then drunkenly apologized. I was upset that no one dug my comment about how some major heist is probably happening when the power went out.

The great thing about being a fair weather fan is that my life is not destroyed because the team lost. I would also like to believe that isn't the case for the true fans either. But here we are the day after and life goes on. Let's focus on things that are truly important. Like the children in third world countries that do not have chicken wings. Or the Oscars.