Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Resolve to Intend

I enjoy people setting new year's intentions. It's to avoid the disappointment after a crash and burn of a resolution abandoned. That's a cynical view, but one that my almost forty year old ass has developed even if I've grown to be a more positive person. 

In fact, I'm already tangled into the typical traps of new years. "More exercise", "read more books", and "eat better" are already in my scope. The difference is my approach. For the first time ever, I'm connected to a friend on FitBit. I find myself taking the stairs more as this clip device will rat me out. However, that's just a bonus as I like another avenue of being connected to my friend.

"Read more" is just a byproduct of this Facebook book club I'm in. Sure, my goal is 2 books per month. That is about 100 books less than the average member by the time the year is over. I'm still happy because we're just bantering back and forth and recommending new titles. 

I'm not going to run a 10k. I'm not going to read Infinite Jest or War and Peace. I'm going to try and enjoy life, be healthy, and be with my people. I hope you do the same in this new year/decade. 

Okay, fine, I'm going to finally tackle that closet. You hear that cluster pile?!