Saturday, September 29, 2018

Long Live President Camacho

It's been hard to watch the news lately given the political climate, so I am just going to reminisce about a better president. My happy moment is courtesy of the awesome Terry Crews. May he reign supreme.

Monday, September 03, 2018

License Plate Game 2018: A Pathetic Year

I'm really ashamed of myself. At least right now and in five minutes after I post this, I'll move on with my life. Ordinarily, I am the loser of my family when it comes to this game. I don't "compete" with them so much as we update each other and its fun to see what's left.

Early this summer, my ten year old niece was asking me questions and I was a little embarrassed by my performance only two weeks in. Then I realized this game has been commandeered by my sister's brand of play. I think I can describe it adequately from this scene from The Breakfast Club.

I can make excuses like when they play, it's a family of four and they are actively going to parking lots for the search. For my parents's household, they have four adults and one teenager participating. My husband joins me, but I make him verify with photos if I'm not there. (Yes, I have a scary eye of the tiger similar to my sister. Husband has tamed it mildly so now I enjoy life a little more.) Plus, I'm a train commuter, so how the hell am I going to see exotic plate from the train tracks? 

Fortunately, my dad maintains my enthusiasm about the journey, not the destination. We reminisce and play as it was meant to be. A silly game where we just can't find those last three plates. Or in my sad case, thirteen. 
As always, Rhode Island can suck it!