Saturday, February 28, 2015

Oscar Kiddie Pool

I was in my first Oscar Pool this year. Nothing serious. Not even an entry fee, but for fun. I felt maybe I had an advantage considering my love of film podcasts (not necessarily of film itself) and immediately went to copy the picks from Entertainment Weekly and had my choices backed up my the Las Vegas odds. I came in third.

And I even tied for third. The person I tied with admitted to looking up stuff online. Wait, we aren't allowed to do that? Also, I know better than to vote with my heart. If so, The Lego Movie would have been written in for Best Picture. (And Best Animated Picture too, I guess by default.)

 And Best Song.

But I am keeping my victory and tiny trophy. It gave me a great excuse to meet and talk with the other department peoples. Like in high school, I could always find common ground with anyone by judging movies. Good times.

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