Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Don't Hate, Love (Or Just Let It Go)

After days of serious anger issues, I'm slowly calming myself and trying to enjoy what life has to offer. That being said, during my angry time, I managed to catch the trailer for Adam Sandler's new movie Jack and Jill. My instinct is to blame Katie Holmes for this, but there is no way she is responsible, she just wants to work. Then again, she shouldn't just get a pass because there is Adam Sandler and Al Pacino to direct so much blame.

After reading a few very angry and borderline sadistic comments, I realized why spew so much hate at this? I'm just going to not see this movie and move on with my life. The anger might come back when this makes fifty million dollars in it's first week, but once again, I'll harness my meditation practices.

However, this movie does look horrible and in order to reach my middle ground, I am sharing this video. Thank you to it's creator. Don't stop flexing your idea muscles.

(Stolen lovingly from Nerdist)

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