I'm at a place right now where a few days ago I thought about posting about the License Plate Game or riddles from Die Hard 3. Unfortunately, as my neighboring cities are being looted, I am sitting here holding back tears because all I can do is hear George Floyd's words "I can't breathe".
I did not and do not have the courage to watch the video. I see these words and photos of his face and all I feel is pain. I retreat to my room and wait for the emotions to pass. I am privileged to get enough time to no longer hurt.
I made the foolish decision to go back on social media right now. For some, it ignites a passion that helps them fight, but for me and it's like sticking my hand in a fire. Know what you need to do to keep your mental health stable. Then I want all of my people to do exactly that.
Because when we are in a place where we are healthy and functional, it is our responsibility to do what we can to dismantle these injustices. Now is the time to critically view yourself and your privilege. Educate yourself and question what you have been taught and always been told. Listen to the black community and do the work to understand why every issue is rooted in race.
It is hard. You may hurt. You may cry. But it is a reasonable sacrifice. We must do better.