Avengers Infinity War is out. I have my tickets for Sunday. I saw the first tailer and decided to avoid the rest. No articles or anything. Thanks goodness I'm about a week behind on my podcasts and I have a good group of friends that tell me that they've seen it, but that is all. They patiently wait to react online.
But not all of the internet is that way. Articles titles out today are spoiling the damn movie. And since it is a huge release, it's big news, so they need those clicks. The true fans will have seen it at least twice by the time I make it in on Sunday. I fear the assholes who will openly talk about it in attempt to ruin the fun of others.
To try to keep myself free of spoilers, I am going into a state similar to Good Friday. No Facebook, no Twitter, and my best to stay off the internet. What the hell world? I can't go online without some dickhead writing in huge capital letters who died or this amazing thing happened?
I even go as far as to get irritated when someone mentions if they like it or not. Don't poison me with your opinions when I did not ask! Fuck off Rotten Tomatoes. Stop aggregating the opinions of jerk asses.
I go into hiding now. My only announcement about Infinity War I post will be if I have seen it (if that). Shit, I don't know if it's War or Wars and I can't Google it! Must not care until Sunday! Damn it!