On occasion I will hear on podcasts how absolutely nasty some people can be on message boards. This goes into a very dark place and I think public judgement is why I hide behind the mask of Angie. I do, however show my support of some podcasts on Facebook, but limit to the smaller podcasts and of the ones that post something roughly once a week.
Well, one of my favorites takes a weekly poll. If I felt I had a strong response, I would contribute. Sadly, my last one was not very well researched and I thought I made an ass of myself. Enough time had passed and this time I felt confident enough to post again. This time I spent time looking through and making sure I did not make the same mistake.
Sure enough within the day someone had posted that I had fucked up my response again. So I went back to my sources and did not see what they apparently knew. I called my husband asking him to double check for me. Then I decided that I would reach out to this person and ask them to site his source. Yep, have not heard back. I don't expect to.
Here's what's truly pissing me off. I see nothing on the internet that proves this guy right. I'm praying the information I posted will find it was in the same realm of the host's and they will comment similarly and I will be vindicated. (I promise that does not mean the host will give me a shout out. Since they go over a topic, I'm hoping that they would have the same idea I did, bring it up, and comment accordingly, thus proving my information was correct.) I'm seriously pissed that someone can cavalierly say, no you're wrong, and not mention how and then move on as if the conversation is done.
I know that compared to the fact that the first six or so comments on the feed were insulting the topic and I should calm down and accept people say whatever they want. Still, I hate that I put time and effort into my response and make sure to be contributing in a respectful and informative manner, and some jack ass can move in, say I'm wrong and then move on as if he doesn't give a shit. Actually, he probably doesn't. I just hate that amount of smarmy confidence.
I realize that with more recent tragic events in Boston, this sound very spoiled and pathetic, but I need to hold onto my baby problems if I am not going to upset myself. That is about real things. This pointless crap can piss me off. Domestic terrorism shall not. In fact when I heard about the explosions, I went from devastated about the tragedy to annoyed at my Facebook feed within hours. I don't need all my "friends" posting these images of roses in a tennis shoe to show their condolences.
My thoughts and prayers go to the victims. But I say that knowing that no one will see it in a post. That's between me and my brain.