Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Celebrity Sighting #Bald

The husband and I ventured out to San Francisco on a Sunday night for the live taping of The Adam Carolla Show. I am very happy to see a comedy show this year as my sad pathetic goal is usually to see one during the summer, but missed out. The show was as I expected. Adam was funny and it was great to watch instead of just listen to him do his thing. Husband got to see Alison Rosen live and man, she has a dazzling smile. He and I are still Teresa Strasser fans, (considering she hugged us at Laughs for Bald Bryan and all, it's gonna stay that way) but I want to bring him into the new direction of Carolla.

Here's the kicker: as we walked into the club, Bald Bryan was meeting up with some of his local people and I got to(at the expense of the ticket taker's patience) shake his hand, told him I listened to The Film Vault that morning and say thank you. I think it's the most important thing to do to my podcast people. They need to know my gratitude that they continue to put out wonderful entertainment.  

This hand shook Bald Bryan's hand. What has your hand done lately.....wait, don't answer that.

Allow me to put my Thanksgiving spin on it. I am grateful for hundreds of hours of free entertainment from incredibly funny people. God bless them, most of them. Not Penn Jillette, though. He gets atheist blessings.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Celebrity Sighting #.....Fuck It

Bad me. That's a very bad me. I took my husband to Lake Tahoe to see Penn and Teller for his birthday....back in September. I haven't posted it because (enter excuse involving being busy, being indifferent, or the trip itself was a disaster of sorts involving travel woes, arguments, panic attack threats, and overall pain and suffering.) I should point out that husband and I do not like to travel very much. He commutes about four hours a day during the work week and I have built myself a comfy fort of happy. 

He wants to stay home on the weekends and I'm inclined to agree because I strive to maintain stasis. It has reached the point where I don't even like to go to the movies because I can't pause to get the drink or food I want or to go pee because the excitement is too much for me. We did, however, see Skyfall last night and I thank the movie podcasts hosts I listen to frequently because they have given me just enough information to know it's fine to go pee in the stylish opening musical sequence.

I do, however, need to document that for his birthday, I took my husband to see two of his atheist heroes perform live. It was a struggle to get there and it was glorious to return, but for two hours there was a excitement we got to experience. We got a wonderful show an I had the extra added bonus of watching someone I love so much have such a fun time. And if you can, check out Penn's Sunday School. He's preaching love, and don't be cynical. He is.