I live in this vast land of the internet. And in its primitive sister land of print when a computer/ internet connection is not available. And this is a difficult time for me. I speak of course of season finale time.
Just reading my Entertainment Weekly has proven to be a challenge. Of course it's my own damn fault for thinking I can read a entertainment magazine and have what's actually going on in the series not written about. But I move forward and hope that they were just kidding when the wrote that Fauxbituary on one of the Lost characters. I can hope that it's like Six Feet Under and everyone died because that's the premise of the show. "Lost" is a metaphor for death and everyone dies. Just like in real life. Wow, that's deep for someone who has not seen a single episode. And the Dharma Inititaive: that's just Lucifer. Okay, now I'm just making crap up. And I had to be creative finding out how to spell that without getting more spoilers.
The only show I watch consistently, (by that I mean I watch on Hulu on the weekends at my leisure) is Dollhouse. I don't care what the critics are saying, I enjoy this show. The argument is " how can you get attached to a character that has her mind wiped every week?" Answer, you don't have to, necessarily. For starters, you want to know how we got to this point.
You don't have to hate the evil corporation that is pimping out these volunteers. You don't have to root for the next generation Fox Mulder out to rescue the walking dead Dolls. You watch a story in progress and put pieces together. Everyone seems to have a secret, or at the very least a interesting past. I want to know. And I'm invested and entertained with every episode. Thank you Joss Whedon. Mission accomplished.
Sadly, I can't stop reading the internet and I got spoiled on a few things. It took from some of the fun, but I still get to enjoy parts here and there. I even had a conversation recently with a friend about how even watching "scenes from the next episode" can ruin the enjoyment. It messed up House for me because they do the fake-out beginnings. I know the little kid having the asthma attack will be fine. This episode is about the profesional athelete and his possible steriod use. (Sorry. Generic and vauge spoiler alert.) Just watching one at a time on DVD and blocking the image on the menu makes it a magical and complete experience. That is with the exception of the damn spoiler in titles of articles. Come one people, give a chance here!
So in this land I refuse to leave, what is my new challenge? I want to see if I can read Angels and Demons before the movie comes out. With the reviews and articles about to flood the newspapers, magazines, and everything else I consume, I should get cracking. I have a rule where I don't start a new book before I've finished my current. It's odd, I know, but I don't like to mix up my stories. All though I amended the rule to have one fiction and nonfiction book at a time. So I have about four days to go. I'll just pretend I'm at the airport. With no wi-fi. And my phone is dead. And I don't need a nap. (Sigh.) Okay. Wish me luck.