To be fair to all those involved, I think that an expression of "Hot!"(To be read with an extended "ah" sound i.e. haaaaaaaaahhhhhhhht!. If I had extended the "o's" it would just look like hoot. I'm not an owl. Hoot just misses the point entirely.) should not be limited to one gender. Don't get me wrong. Me likey the men. But I'm a girl, so I can harp about other women's hotness and not appear to likey the women. Though men could use all said in their own personal movies in their head, but that's just a unfortunate side effect of my celebration of the female form.
Every year Maxim puts out its 100 hottest women. It's now a tradition to sit with my boyfriend and dispute the magazine's claims. While I cannot deny the beauty(Wait, sometimes I can. Eat a freaking donut once in a while you size double zero freaks!) of these women, I stand firm (hehehe penis joke) on my position (hehehe, sex joke) that hotness is more than pretty faces and boobs (heheheheh, boobs). Though I must say that I whole heartily agree with some of their choices. Ali Larter and Isla Fisher? Good calls. Women with a little more to offer. In fact one of my five is in the hundred. But I'm so tired of Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, and Jessica Biel. Oh, and Linsday Lohan. She's not a Jessica but I'm sick of her too.
Yes, yes, I'm sure if I had a penis I would be singing a different tune. And just to be fair, I will eventually put up a list created by one on the male side. But for now, suck it. This is my list.
1) Mariska Hargitay
2) Kate Winslet
3) Kate Walsh
4) Alyson Hannigan
5) Jenna Fischer