Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOPA, PIPA, Ppppppppbbbbtttttt!

I was just reading that the English Wikipedia will shut down for 24 hours in protest of SOPA and PIPA. (Read a message from the Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director here.) It is my understanding that Amazon and eBay have plans to do the same. I'm all for taking huge steps to make a point and I applaud these organizations (if they follow through) for doing this to send a message. 

However, like when the power goes out, how many times am I going to walk in, flip the switch and forget again what's happening? I need to order a new battery from Amazon and if I forget, I'll be pissed that I have to try really hard to remember again to make the order after the protest is over. (Man, I love my problems.)

I read that SOPA has been stopped yesterday, (Article I read here.) but the more I read other sources, it's been put on hold for the time being. I hate the idea that there is this hope that this bill is going away but then will be shoved in the back somewhere and passed with a Stop Killing Innocent Babies Bill. (Stole that one from Christopher Titus's podcast. Credit where credit is due.)

This use of the Internet and social media to create a frenzy has so far cancelled proposed debit fees, Verizon "because we can" fees, and something about helping other countries throw out horrible dictators in power. During Barack Obama's administration people will focus on how bad the economy is though so many are just running away from their financial responsibility and he's not really the reason for the fall of the country. At the same time, this is the the most amazing time to watch the people, not lobbyists or subcommittees get so much done by using their voice. Technology makes voices louder by giving them access to others also willing to fight. He doesn't get credit for this amazing show of the little man telling the government what is best for the country. 

What is my point? None really. I have thoughts to sort out, Internet videos to watch, liberties to exercise, and whether or not SOPA comes back with a vengeance, I will stand with my Internet brethren to make sure we do not lose one more freedom. Just remind me on my Facebook page so I know it's time to fight.

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