Saturday, October 31, 2020

Stretching My Viewing Tolerance

Is there any merit in attempting to experiences genres of entertainment that you do not prefer? It feels so much like forcing yourself to eat the vegetables you know are good for you. You need that fiber and various nutrients. I took this level of thinking and expanded it to horror movies. I wanted to have a extra spooky holiday with some horror/thriller type movies.

I was never really a big horror fan. I could handle violence no problem, for a while. I am still okay with PG-13 levels of action violence. But now Tarantino shit is no longer on my docket. In my more recent years, I find myself searching for the happily ever after. No, the guaranteed happily at least when the story is over.

I grabbed what I thought would be a good mix for the sake of good for Halloween, and "hey, I heard this was good".

Turns out a movie having over 90% on Rotten Tomatoes does not mean you'll enjoy it. Made by a cinematic genius, same deal. Also the same for has a cult following. I know these things in my head, and in my heart, but I decided that I wanted to try anyway.

First, Jennifer's Body. It was okay. I see why at the time it came out, it upset horror fans. I can get why it now has a second life in the cult status. So far this is the one I enjoyed the most.

Second, Rope. It was an interesting experiment. I like what was attempted. As for the movie as a whole, I felt uncomfortable the whole time. I get that's the point, but why would I do this to myself?

Third, Green Room. I understand why this is was highly rated by critics. It was very well done and so much is accomplished with so little. However, fuck this movie. I was looking for an excuse to hit the pause button just to calm down. Then I realized the movie would last longer if I kept it up. I do not have the stomach to give up on a movie yet. I really wanted to hit the fast forward button. I made it, but it was then I though about why I was torturing myself.

I don't go into "haunted houses" because I don't enjoy being scared. I definitely don't do roller coaster for the "thrill". There is enough in the world to set off my anxiety, so this isn't my brand of entertainment. Do I need to be watching these movies to be a well rounded person? Does it matter at all? Does it only matter to me?

Or is it just about how I don't want the world to think I'm a wuss? So then why would I admit it in writing? It's to prove that I'm not a wuss. Hey world, I don't like horror movies and I'll say it again. That doesn't make me less than. Now that I've established that, I can now use my time watching what I enjoy. Bring on the Disney movies I've been avoiding because I don't want to sob uncontrollably.

At least there the emotion I'm feeling brings a feeling of being cleansed. Seriously, I haven't seen Coco yet because I'm not ready to deal with it yet. I will bring the tissues and my dog to hug. (I needed them both after the first 20 minutes for Up. Might as well be prepared.)

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